Today Only! Save $30 Off $100 On Costco Same Day Delivery, Stack With $20 Off Instacart Gift Cards!

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Save $30 Off $100 On Costco Same Day Delivery!

Use code (Exp: 12/17): DECEMBERSD23

Limit one use per account.

You can also apply Instacart gift cards to your Costco Same Day account, so you can save another $20 off $100 with this deal.

Costco Same Day Delivery is fulfilled by Instacart for Costco members. Prices are marked up by about 17% over in-store pricing, but if you link your Instacart+ membership to Costco Same Day here, the markup drops to about 9%. You can enroll in Instacart+ for free with Chase cards.

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32 Comments On "Today Only! Save $30 Off $100 On Costco Same Day Delivery, Stack With $20 Off Instacart Gift Cards!"

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Any use your chase card to get the $15 back monthly or reserve cards or $10 Q on freedom or preferred.


Not able to replicate. Can someone dumb this down for me please


DECEMBERSD23 Just worked for me at 2:33 pm. 2 thumbs up for me, please.


Which part don’t you understand?

You know what instacart is?
Have a costco membership?

You can basically place an order from SAMEDAY.COSTCO.COM and use coupon code above to get $30 off an order or 100, delivered to you home.

Now it’s the same platform as instacrt so Dan is saying you can link the two together and save some more money by lowering the markup on the items.
I didn’t know that myself. As I did see the pricing being a tad higher than instacrts prices even though they both use the same instacrt platform.
And it’s avlb for each membership you have . So that’s 2 per account. One for yourself and once for your AU


Actually, he says in the post that you can load the Instacart gift cards to the account. I was able to load the gift cards and then choose the Instacart credits for payment without having an Instacart account. Thanks Dan!


I’m not bow to, “ You can also apply Instacart gift cards to your Costco Same Day account”. I don’t see Instacart gift cards.


Me, too. Only $30 off $100 at


You have a link handy to link my instacrt membership to




Found it. Click on settings on the same day, and then look for Instacart + and click link accounts. Even on the final checkout page it will prompt you with save $13.45 with your instacrt plus account.


i bought a costco $100 gc for $79…i out items in cart, put in the $30 off code which applied to acct and when i put in my costco gift card it says “invalid” ???


Not costco. instacrt.


if i already added my instacart gift cards that i bought from costco to instacart account can i use it to pay for this order thru costco?


If you connect accounts. Try and see what happens.


Don’t need to connect to your account. Look under the payment section, there should be a place to check off use instacart credits


You’ll save a few dollars if you connect accounts. But whatever works for you.


Do you need an instacart membership to use the gift card?


No, you just pay higher fees .


Scratch that, it worked! (took costco an hour to activate the gift card)


I made the order through the Costco app. I just clicked on same day


Also same deal at Costco Business Center: Code HOLIDAYBD23


One per Account or one per member? Meaning a husband and wife can get it twice on the same account with two members cards?


What happens when the shopper shops your order and one item is out of stock and you drop under the $100, do they still honor the $30 off or do you lose it?


You still get the $30 off


Leftover Credits from gift card added to Costco Same-day account will be stuck in Costco Same-day account even you link them together….and you need a $35 min order for checkout…that the downside.


Thanks Dan, I placed a order for $110 and got the $30 off, it was a worthwhile deal!!!


Anyone having trouble checking out? I am trying to sign in and check out, and it’s not letting me


Thanks, as always, Dan happy belated Hanukkah
Took me way too long, but I finally figured it out. I bought two gift cards on Costco for Instacart and then I made the order on using a freedom card.
I kept referring to the instructions from the gentleman above. Thanks again.


time exnded by anyc chance?

2. is Platnium peronal, amex, second year fee, negotiable with Amex?


Who has better pricing for costco- instacart? Costco same day or instacart?
