If You Never Wore An Albertini Hat You Have Never Experienced True Italian Quality And Look

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If you never wore a Albertini hat you have never experienced true Italian quality and look, this hat is killing all the competitors, the only question is to Albertini, where have you been all these years?

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16 Comments On "If You Never Wore An Albertini Hat You Have Never Experienced True Italian Quality And Look"

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Yitzy Book

Where can this be purchased?


Check Tuviah’s


Hat box Brooklyn..


Interesting ad


I am waiting anxiously to find out where I can get this hat.


The guy in the picture (with the glasses) owns the Hat Box, so there is our first clue… Very interesting ad.

Happy hunting!


That’s the owner of the Hat Box in the picture


This is all I was able to find. Quite the steal at € 34,90 but it might be a little tight for pesach since won’t be back until the 19th. The € 18,- shipping costs to the states really kills this deal. https://vintagehatter.com/en/gents-hats/h-9017-53-3-detail


Do you guys have small hat boxes for that small hat or I have to buy a big hat box for that small hat?

Yes this is the one and only hat box in Brooklyn.


What do they cost?


What makes these hats so good? Why are they better than a Borsalino? Do they have different grades of quality? What are the prices? It’s a catchy advertisment but it gives no information.


Yeah, kind of a strange ad…at least we know it’s for a hat 🙂


What size brims. Do they come without the pinch?

Izzy Weiss

The hats come in a few different brim and crown sizes. They can be purchased ONLY at the Hat Box. Tell em Izzy Weiss sent you.

Osborne Greene

Go figure. All these years wearing $300 Bors’s and we never experienced Italian quality and look.


So all those hats I bought at the Hat Box until now where….
