PSA: Dealers Push To Get Rid Of Your Auto Broker, Submit This Simple Form To Help Today!

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PSA: Dealers Push To Get Rid Of Your Auto Broker, Submit This Simple Form To Help Today!

Dealers have been enjoying the higher prices brought about by the recent shortage and are aiming to keep those prices high for the future by getting rid of your auto Broker and giving them the monopoly to charge the consumer whatever they want!

If you are enjoying the comfort, convenience, and personal attention from your Auto Broker / Leasing Company and would like to have that option in the future…

Please simply fill out this form!

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8 Comments On "PSA: Dealers Push To Get Rid Of Your Auto Broker, Submit This Simple Form To Help Today!"

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This is BS. Don’t try to get your customers to help you hide what your broker fees are and how much you make on each deal. This is normal for real estate brokers and should be the same for cars.

This has nothing to do with getting rid of auto brokers


Don’t be naive this is not for consumer protection. Do you really care how much he makes on the deal? Does the dealer show you?? As long as he gives you a good price and service it shouldn’t matter to you how the mechanics of the deal was done. If you want a breakdown of everything there are plenty of brokers who will give you a sheet.


Yes I do care how much commission they get because they can throw some of that commission as a discount to the customer instead of keeping it for themselves for basically overpaid glorified clerical work.


All you should care about is if you get a better price from them than directly from the dealer, or not.




How does this bill put brokers out of business? I read this as they need to be licensed and disclose their commissions.


the bill would require dealers to show 3 other quotes for same car delivered INCLUDING the dealer physically located nearest to customer. When you order a refrigerator from an appliance store does that store have to show 3 quotes from other appliance dealers?! why can’t the customer decide whom to do business without proving whom he was quoted what deal to the DMV??!! Does an appliance store have to disclose how much their profit was?? Would you like to have your favorite gas station have to prove price quotes from 3 other gas stations??!! What about your grocery store or fruit market? How about forcing people to get quotes from 3 other dentists?

do you really want the government sticking it’s nose into every aspect of your life this way??!!


Dealers are thieves. Brokers / leasing companies save the consumer real money. If you go to a dealer its sure to be a multi hour ordeal. Call the Leasing company and get a quote in minutes. Just know exactly what you want.
I worked at a new car dealership. I know their shtick!!
