Be A Partner In Burying A Mes Mitzvah!

Pictures were taken by the driver of the funeral home who was so inspired by the efforts towards a fellow Jew whom they had never even met.
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Desperate for some help, and knowing no one else to turn to, a Yid called a Shliach in New Mexico with whom he used to attend minyan, years ago. His homeless brother had been found deceased in Amarillo, TX and was transferred to the city morgue. With no other family, no hope and no funds to bury his brother, he was going to leave him to be cremated by the city.

Of course, that was not an option. With accommodations across state lines and quick response, arrangements were made to give a proper and kosher Tahara and Kevurah in the middle of New Mexico desert at the Jewish section of a Natural Burial site. The shliach’s car was packed with all the necessities like sheets, water, dirt from Eretz Yisroel and tachrichim and New Mexico shliach Rabbi Bery Schmukler and visiting bochur drove 250 miles to a Natural Burial Ground to give this Mes Mitzvah a Taharah and Kevuras Yisroel THE ULTIMATE MITZVAH.

You can take part of this mitzvah by donating towards the thousands of dollars laid out for the funeral home, transport of 5.5 hours from Amarillo TX to Belen NM, cemetery etc. here.

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5 Comments On "Be A Partner In Burying A Mes Mitzvah!"

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What a mitzvah. Thank you for giving us the zchus to participate.

Kat man

can we give to the Chabad of Las Cruces for this and get a tax deduction


Not sure if Chesed fund gives receipts automatically, maybe someone can comment. You can always donate to and put in comments for mes mitzvah, a tax receipt is auto emailed.

Anyone know ?

I just donated thru this ad & the receipt I received says that the Organization that received the funds is “Chabad of Las Cruces inc” – so you get an enormous mitzvah plus a tax deduction

Kat man

done thanks for the oppurtuinty
