The Event Of The Year Is Live, Tune In Now To Hear From President Trump, Vice President Biden, Shulem Lemmer, Jamie Dimon, And More!

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Each year, come November, the Event of the Year takes place.

Normally, only 3,000 people are invited to attend because of limited space.

This year, YOU and I ARE INVITED to attend.

In a show of Unity, Yeshiva Beth Yehudah has invited Statesmen and Laymen from across the Spectrum,

To Join Together in a Virtual Support of Education.

Come, be inspired & entertained, as we look past our differences and focus on our shared goals and vision for the future of our children.

Attendance is Free!

Divrei Bracha from esteemed Rosh Yeshiva Harav Shmuel Kamenetsky.

Hear from guest personalities such Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu, JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, UAE Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba, and many others.

Special appearance by Shulem Lemmer.

Pre-Registration Required!

Reserve your virtual seat here at the Virtual Event of the Year.

Sunday, October 18, 7:00 PM EST

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12 Comments On "The Event Of The Year Is Live, Tune In Now To Hear From President Trump, Vice President Biden, Shulem Lemmer, Jamie Dimon, And More!"

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You just lost me as a subscriber.


OK snowflake




Dan made a lot more from the ad than from your participation as a subscriber. You will not be missed. Good bye




Detroit. Great Place! I love that man. haha


Nobody wants to hear about racist Beijing Biden


I graduated from Yeshiva Beth Yehudah – Bais Yaakov division. The enthusiasm of Detroiters all over the world to view this and for many my self included it was very first time seeing this annual celebration of Jewish education that started with so much tenacity. Two of the talmidim of Yeshiva Torah V’Daas were sent to Detroit to start a Day School. No tools of the trade were given to them that were used in other day schools. There were no other west of New York. One of the Rabbaim Rabbi Avrohom Abba Friedman’s wife while waving goodbye to her mother in August said we will be back by Succos. That was in August of 1946. i visit a Rebbe I had in 12th grade who now lives in Eretz Yisroel and said when we graduated we got our degrees in the subject of “Ruach”. That was the key to having talmidim fall in love with Yiddishkeit. They took that home with them and sparked the same flame in the parents to begin to go back to the lives they had when they were children. Once a student of YBY always a student of YBY

rachel miller

it took a worldwide pandemic…to get me, a former yby student from kindergarten through 12th grade, to attend a yby dinner. i am from the dexter & davison days. then 7 mile & schaefer road. but never in the beautiful new campus.

we constantly strive to understand why things happen. why hashem does what he does (the good and the seemingly bad) and covid, being worldwide, is no exception.

well tonight was certainly one positive outcome of the pandemic by bringing people from all across the globe to watch the yeshivah beth yehudah/yby annual dinner.

i want to thank everyone who helped make this happen and. yes, g-d willing, everybody should come back next year, all together, all in good health, but in-person.

rachel miller (nee sauerhaft)

ps a debt of gratitude to all my yby teachers, but an extra special debt of gratitude (i.e. shout out, in today’s vernacular) to mrs. susan levitin, who, still today, makes me shine!


Ok- Fill me in please- How does a yeshiva pull in such speakers for a dinner?


when your president is chairman of a $50b bank it helps


The Good- I “attended” the dinner last night
The Bad- The dinner consisted of half-eaten shabbos leftovers.
