Deadline Is Tonight; Win A 2023 Chevy Suburban Plus 6 Amazing Raffles!

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Deadline Is Tonight; Win A 2023 Chevy Suburban Plus 6 Amazing Raffles!

RAFFLE DEADLINE: Wednesday כ’ כסלו, DEC 14.

LIVE DRAWING: א’ חנוכה, DEC 19 2022, 4:45PM.

Bayit Cham’s name represents its essence: a warm place with an open door and heart to help people who struggle with a variety of challenges to their emotional health. This is good news for so many who feel lost and need a loving, strong shoulder to lean on, to offer them support and an attentive ear.

Rabbi Shmuel Munk established Bayit Cham after witnessing the terrible anguish suffered by people with mental health issues. He firmly believed that it was possible, and indeed, his duty, to bring about a revolution in the field of mental health care to improve their lives. The myth that emotional distress is something to be ashamed to speak of, even at the price of breakdown and total collapse, must be shattered

Since then, Bayit Cham has been a powerful beacon of light, giving voice to those who previously were kept hidden and who were yearning to be heard. Slowly and consistently, with much help from above, the light has penetrated the darkness. Thousands of clients and their families have experienced a personal exodus from the bleakest gloom to light and hope. They were finally able to let go of crippling shame, as they met with Bayit Cham staff who saw their innate Spark of G-d that every human being possesses and who felt shared responsibility for their wellbeing


People with mental health challenges and their families will be integrated into society and every wounded soul will find healing.

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