PLEX Premium Lifetime Pass For $88.90

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Update: DEAD!

PLEX Premium Lifetime Pass For $88.90

Use code: 8PLEXPASS8

You can view a full list of PLEX Premium features here.

Simply put PLEX is your own private Netflix/Spotify application for content you own and offers live streaming with free DVR on your TV.

For example if you have a laptop with Videos, Photos, Music, etc. you connect that laptop to the internet and install PLEX on the device.

You can then access and stream that content on any device including Android Phones, Apple Phones, TV’s, Tablets, Laptops, etc. You can even access other users content if they share it with you! PLEX is great at organizing the data for easy access, cross platform streaming, instantly switching between devices, save where you left off, and much more.

The paid membership also includes access to live TV local channels and free DVR when you get a tuner for your TV.

Do you use Plex? Will you be buying a lifetime pass?

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13 Comments On "PLEX Premium Lifetime Pass For $88.90"

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Eric from Dallas

Thanks, Dan!

I’ve been using Plex for months now, I love it! Been on the monthly plan waiting for a lifetime deal, which I just got! Thanks again…

If people are interested I can explain why it is so great.


Sure why is it so great


I’ll be interested in knowing more!

Ahuva Veig

Eric, I am interested…but please simplify , I am not so tech. Savvy.
Thank you


My only qualm, is let’s say I put all my media here, how do I know that this company won’t go out of business?


Can you please explain?


I would appreciate the explanation!


Hi Eric,
>If people are interested I can explain why it is so great.
Please do. Thanks a lot,

Travel Entuziast

It’s useful. I’ve used Plex for years to stream audio and video from my Network Attached Storage to my laptop or handheld devices even in foreign countries where Netflix isn’t possible. I even mistakenly paid for it monthly when I didn’t need to because you only need to pay if you want to stream Plex’s content, not your own. Plex now has a one-time charge ($4.95) for each device you want to use for streaming, which is reasonable.


Would like to hear more about plex


I have been using Plex for years. It’s a miracle. I cast music saved/copied on Desktop computer in another room via WiFi to my stereo home entertainment system. I use the app on Roku

Travel Entuziast

“This promo/gift code is invalid or expired.”


Welp, I wish I had a better understanding of Plex but it looks like the deal is dead.
