Banging Your Head Against A Matzah Because You Couldn’t Lock Down A House In Orlando?

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19 Comments On "Banging Your Head Against A Matzah Because You Couldn’t Lock Down A House In Orlando?"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


Is this gonna be a frum development with a shul?


The development will be frum friendly, and we expect that there will be minyanim in our event center during peak times of the year.


So this is real estate purchase, not a holiday rental? As they say “Buying a home in Villatel Village means a luxury family getaway you can bank on—or cash in on.”


HI… HO close is this to the other Frum rentals areas


Yes, these investment villas are in the private Villatel Village new development which is close to other short-terms rental resorts.


When you say “amazing investment”, that’s all relative and the eye of the beholder. At the end of the day, your homes approach a starting price of $1M. Many variables come into play, especially with a slowing real-estate market due to rising interest rates, a potential “over supply, and under-demanded” type of central FLA housing boom, and considering that there is already an established and growing frum community near the dayschool in town. I’m not trying to dissuade anyone, but because this is a nearly $1,000,000 investment, it’s important to carefully analyze the region and the economy.


At what stage in development are these??


Many of the homes are already under construction. We expect to complete all homes and our event center by next March.


What are the typical real estate taxes on these homes?
Is there a huge demand for rentals other than Pesach?


I’m not sure there’s a huge demand for 12 bedroom home rentals outside of the frum community

Reb Shmuli

You’d be surprised!


Hmm. That is news to us. Larger homes in the Orlando area are in limited supply, and therefore do higher occupancies than smaller ones. It is a very deep tourist market.


Please feel free to reach out via our website,, for a full economic analysis, including expenses.

The demand for rentals in the frum community is moderate, though not large, outside of Pesach. The demand in the non-Jewish community, with 75MM tourists a year, is massive, of course.

Reb Shmuli

Great investment! Do you have a property manager? Estimated ROI? Many people cannot just drop $1M.


Exactly! Plus, I’ll do the advertiser a favor. Most frum households aren’t looking to purchase a 7 figure piece of investment real estate one week before Pesach. Try promoting it after the yomtov.


Dave! You’re the man! Considering this is a high-traffic website, do you feel qualified to make such blanket statements? The ad clearly isn’t for you! I recommend you give careful thought to your comments before your post. It might help you look less like a moron, although it probably won’t make enough of a difference!


Please feel free to reach out via our website,, for further details. Financing is generally available to those who qualify at 70-80% of the purchase price.


Why is that any better than a FHA loan?


The Vista is $100,000 per bathroom…
Just sayin’… 😀
