Open Up A Key Checking Account And Do 2 Direct Deposits/Auto Payments-Get A Free Ipod Nano!

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-2 transfers from a paypal/google account will qualify as 2 direct deposits…
-Key accounts cannot be opened up from all states.
-Offer available to individuals without an existing checking account at KeyBank as of July 20, 2007.
-Opening a Key account should not result in a hard credit pull.
-If I knew which Nano they are giving then I would post it, but I think that it’s safe to assume that it will be a 2nd Generation Nano…

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16 Comments On "Open Up A Key Checking Account And Do 2 Direct Deposits/Auto Payments-Get A Free Ipod Nano!"

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dan it ses no fee for using the debt card even with the pin that means ther wont be a charge of 1.50?


hey dan and also it is a big chance that its a 1 gen couse mybe apple wants to get rid of all ther old refurbs coue mybe thay want to release a new line of ipods now couse thay have placed an order for tuch screens from a compny


Can you please explain how one does a payment from paypal, I have an acct on paypal to purchase stuff on ebay.

Thanks Alot,



FYI – Michael C’s in Chicago closed down almost a year ago. Don’t know why they’re still listed on

Chi-town Rabbi




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Going into the idf in a few months… could have really used that nano!!!


I got the nano the last time they offered this deal. They were offering a 1gb 1st generation nano at the time. About two months later a 2 gb 2nd gen came in the mail. I’m sure this offer is for a 2gb 2nd gen nano.

Also, last time, I was able to get two nanons, one for opening a personal checking account and one for opening a business checking account. All the people who put their names on the business account were already existing Keybank customers. Unfortunately, it looks like they are offering a multifuntion printer for opening a business checking account and you have to sign up for a business credit card. They didn’t ask for corporate or DBA documents with the last 4 business accounts i opened with them.


-Key accounts cannot be opened up from all states. – such as New Jersey


Hey Dan or someone else. Im looking to sign up for a cell phone family plan. I need at least 3000 min, Sprint used to have 3500 min for 85 bucks, but thats not around anymore. Any tips or leads?


how do i open a paypal/google account

Dan jr

well to use paypal is simple take your cc and put money in your acount and then transfer the money to the bank acount and you first need to add key bank as a bank on your paypal and you will see its easy


In the fine print Key Bank indicates that they will be reporting the value of the Nano to the IRS. In addition the account needs to be open for 180 days otherwise $25 early closure.


I spoke with a representative and they said paypal will not qualify or a transfer from another bank, only SS deposits or payroll deposits and the like.


i chatted with an agent today and she told me google/paypal Would work!! just how do you transfer from a Google checkout? step by step please for all us slow ppl


well you rather just use paypal if you have it allready


fyi the rep i spoke to told me that the direct transfer needs to be aminimum of 100 dollars


I just got my 4gb Nano for opening Key account. Thanks.
