Free 5×7 Folded Photo Greeting Card From Walgreens Stores

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Free 5×7 Folded Photo Greeting Card From Walgreens Stores

Create or login to your account, upload a photo, and use the following code to make a 5×7 print for free: CARD57

The code may not work in the Walgreens App.

You can pick-up in any Walgreens store for free or ship it to your home for $1.99.

Be sure that you upload pictures in full resolution for best results, click on upload preferences and change to full resolution. You may also want to uncheck the color correct option.

HT: David K.

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4 Comments On "Free 5×7 Folded Photo Greeting Card From Walgreens Stores"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


Not working.
When I enter the coupon code by order summary it shows that the balance is $0.00, but once I proceed to cart it goes back up to $2.99 and then adds tax…
When I go back and reenter the coupon code, it gives me an error message.


Same, very strange…


The code is not working even though when you press more help, they say the expiration date Is August 10


Not working
