Kollel Car Raffle Ends Tonight! Win A Toyota Camry LE!

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Kollel Car Raffle Ends Tonight! Win A Toyota Camry LE!

Help support Yeshiva Medrash Chaim

Be the winner of Kollel Car Raffle’s 22nd Raffle!

Drive home a brand new Toyota Camry!

Yeshiva Medrash Chayim is a vibrant Makom Torah in Lakewood NJ where Yungeleit toil in learning under the direction of The Rosh Yeshiva, Harav Raphael Moshe Gettinger Shlit”a, a direct descendant of the Netziv Zt’l and Reb Chaim Volozhin Zt”l.

After serving as Rosh Yeshiva in South Bend , Indiana for 20 years, the Rosh Yeshiva founded Yeshiva Medrash Chayim in Lakewood 14 years ago. The Kol Torah and ameilus exhibited in the Yeshiva is a testimony to the high caliber of a very talented group of young Talmidei Chachamim.

The Rosh Yeshiva takes great pride and Nachas in the kesher he keeps with decades of Talmidim, as he watches them flourish as leaders in the Olam HaTorah worldwide.

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