Final Day Of Vente-Privee Summer Camp Sale At 10am Today

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Update: Another Summer Camp sale is now scheduled for Sunday!

Twice a year Vente-Privee runs a “Camp” sale to clear out its already discounted merchandise at even larger discounts.

This week is the summer camp sale and today is the final day of the sale.

Items sell out extremely quickly, so grab whatever you want at exactly 10am. Even if everything shows sold out though you can keep checking back as items will show sold out even if it’s just reserved in someone’s cart.  If they don’t buy it then it goes back into inventory.

If you don’t yet have a Vente-Privee account I’d love it if you would use my Vente-Privee referral link here to open your account.

If you do have a brand new account you can get $40 off your first $150+ order by paying with any AMEX and using code (You must enroll by 09/04 and use the code by 10/04): VPSUMMER
Or get $15 off your first $60+ order by paying with any AMEX and using code (You must enroll by 09/04 and use the code by 10/04): VPSERVE
Note that you must type in your billing/shipping address before you can apply a coupon code!

An account is required to view the sales:

Summer Camp Day 5 Linky (Sale starts 10am EDT)

Summer camp items are final sale, but you can always buy items on a card with return protection to have 90 days of return coverage to the credit card.

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11 Comments On "Final Day Of Vente-Privee Summer Camp Sale At 10am Today"

All opinions expressed below are user generated and the opinions aren’t provided, reviewed or endorsed by any advertiser or DansDeals.


Guess they changed their minds?



Joe joe

Wow that was like 10 min and everything’s gone even the ugly stuff!


Wow!! U were right, Dan- it looks like everything is already sold out! So, this sale is being every day this week?


Website still says coming soon. What am I missing?


@Mindy: oh, right- never mind- read your article again. Thanks for letting us know about this!


by 10:01 everything is gone…people have early access. dont bother


Nobody has early access. People rush to stuff their carts and by 1015-1030 many things come back in stock when they don’t checkout.


@Dan – it is 10:05 but the link does not start yet.


It is now 10:15 but it still says opening soon…any idea why?


looks like there are more days coming of Summer Camp!!!
