55% Off Fall Essentials At Banana Republic

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You can currently save 40% off fall essential items at Banana Republic with code (Exp 11/10): BRCOZY

To find the included items just click on Men or Women and then click on “shop now” on the 40% off fall essentials banner on the left hand side.

Items include scarves, gloves, sweaters, coats, jackets, and more.

Plus subscribe to Banana Republic emails and get a 25% off coupon so you can save 25% on top of the 40% off.  That creates an effective 55% discount.

After you subscribe here by entering your email address and selecting your preferences you’ll be sent a one-time use 25% off coupon.

If you already subscribe you can use another email address or just add a +1, +2, +3 after your Gmail address. If your address is banana@gmail.com then banana+1@gmail.com, banana+2@gmail.com, banana+3@gmail.com, banana+4@gmail.com, etc will all work and be sent to your regular banana@gmail.com address.

The email confirmation will only show the 25% discount under promotions as the base price of the item itself will already be discounted by the 40%.

Sample deals:
-Wool Pea Coat, Normally $250, Now $112.50
-Wool Double-Layer Coat, Normally $275, Now $123.75
-Charcoal Plaid Double-Breasted Topcoat, Normally $298, Now $112.50
-Silk-Cotton-Cashmere V-Neck, Normally $69.50, Now $31.28
-Extra-Fine Merino Wool Crew, Normally $69.50, Now $31.28
-Extra-Fine Merino Wool Vee, Normally $69.50, Now $31.28
-Extra-Fine Merino Wool Half-Zip Pullover, Normally $79.50, Now $35.78
-Goatskin Driving Glove, Normally $89.50, Now $40.28
-Striped Edge Scarf, Normally $49.50, Now $22.28
-Double-Layer Knit Cap, Normally $29.50, Now $13.28

HT: jj1000, via DDF

If you have a Chase Ink Plus, Chase Ink Bold, and the Ink Business Cash® Credit Card

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6 Comments On "55% Off Fall Essentials At Banana Republic"

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U can’t combine them!!! I tried…


Thank you very much I really needed a coat and now I got a great price!


thank u so much for every time u post!


40% plus 25% is 65% off thanx dan!


Doesn’t work like that.
