HOT! Philips Active Noise Canceling Earbuds For Just $16.99 Shipped, Or Just $6.99 Shipped With A New Google Checkout Account!

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Philips Active Noise Canceling Earbuds Linky

Remember to switch to “Budget Shipping” in Google Checkout in order to get the free shipping!

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3 Comments On "HOT! Philips Active Noise Canceling Earbuds For Just $16.99 Shipped, Or Just $6.99 Shipped With A New Google Checkout Account!"

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The “CUSTOMER REVIEWS” on these aren’t to great!


dan, even tough i create new google accounts it doesnt seem to give me the $10 off anymore
what am i doing wrong?\


to g.
you cant always use the same address and same credet card for google checkout, make sure to use a new address and new credet card and then it should work.
